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DIAL 9-1-1
Bowers Fire Company
3285 Main St.
Frederica, DE 19946


302-335-1324 (fax)

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Rescue 40 Assists Station 49 - Bay Road and Frederica Road
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

On January 5, 2010, Station 40 was dispatched as an Ambulance and Rescue assist for Station 49 at Bay Road and Frederica Road for an MVC with rollover reported. Rescue 40 went on location as reported in the northbound lane. Rescue 40 had a crew of 6 under the order of Chief Jeff Morris. Rescue 40's crew assisted with lighting, patient care, and debris removal. Rescue 40 was on location for approx 30 minutes until released by Command 49, Chief Rick Rentz.

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