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Fire Company today.
DIAL 9-1-1
Bowers Fire Company
3285 Main St.
Frederica, DE 19946


302-335-1324 (fax)

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Congratulations to Phil Pennington, Sr. - Chief 2011
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

On December 6, 2010 at our monthly meeting and elections Phil Pennington, Sr. was elected to the office of Chief. Phil is also the current President for the KCFCA. Other Line Officers elected are as follows: Deputy Chief - Willie Trowbridge, 1st Asst Chief - David Stratman, Rescue Captain - Adam Warner, Ambulance Captain - Jason Capps, Chief Engineer - Mike Noble and Fire Recorder - Deanna Dennison. Trustee elected this year was Greg Frank. Fire Police for the incoming year are as follows: Charlie Foraker, Steve Vockel, Jeff Dennison, Vinnie Trice, James Nunes, and Mike Gosch. Congrats to all!

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